
ENACT Project Co-production Facilitator Online Training 1-12 March 2021 (Newcastle Participants)

  • Are you a Newcastle University student or staff or are you a volunteer/staff for a charity/non-profit organisation?
  • Are you interested in world languages and meeting people from different cultures?
  • Would you like to work with migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers in your community and help them create cultural activities using the ENACT web app?

Places are limited – To apply please complete this short online form this short online form.


Presentations from the ENACT Team

As the summer ends, we look forward upcoming collaborations within the ENACT team. We are finalising our assessment and recognition tools (Output 3) and getting ready to launch our web app! Watch this space!

The summer has been very busy and at times turbulent for most of us. As we tried to adjust to new ways of working online, conferences we planned to attend also moved online and we delivered two virtual presentations.


Our second transnational project meeting in Helsinki (virtually)

Many thanks to our Helsinki team for hosting our second transnational project meeting virtually!

Due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, we were unable to visit the beautiful city of Helsinki and meet, eat, and connect in person. Yet, despite all the challenges of remote working and increased workload, all our project consortium members joined our meetings on 4 and 5 June, and we made a lot of progress for our assessment and recognition tools and frameworks, research and impact as well as dissemination work.


Technologies ahead! (part 2)

Following the recent concerning and uncertain events happening in the world we may expect at least one sure thing: the needs and demands for the interactive technologies for education, work, communication and entertainment will only rise. Today we continue our story about the technologies we used during our workshops with the ones that our participants were particularly curious to try – as itself 360/VR video is.


Technologies ahead! (part 1)

During the needs analysis workshops in January-February, our participants introduced to a variety of different media tools: interactive image, interactive slide, interactive video, normal video, 360/VR video, and 360 picture. One of the workshops’ result will be assessment of those technologies to understand the requirements of our prospective ENACT app users.


Success and Progress!

It has been about two months since the ENACT project started, and we have already made a lot of progress!

We had an online project meeting on 20 September, and our project kick-off meeting in Newcastle Upon Tyne on 24-25 October 2019. We had two full meeting days and covered lots of detail. We discussed our outputs, planned for dissemination, identified ways to evaluate impact, and made key decisions. Of course, we did not forget to have some fun and socialise!

