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Case Studies and Success Stories
Download our Case Studies and Success Stories here:
Impact Report
Download our Impact Report here: Impact report.pdf
Research Report
Download our Research Report here: Research Report.pdf
Transnational impact work
* At Boğaziçi University in Turkiye, the team integrated the Enact activity into their Community Service Practices course (FLED 126). Two students worked with the Turkish and Syrian parents at a primary public school. Find out more here:
Satar M, Seedhouse S, Kharrufa A, Ganassin S, Dooly M, Buitrago Peña J, Öztekin E, Akcan S, Haznedar B. (2025). Migrants’ digital skills development: Engaging with and creating digital cultural activities on the ENACT web app. ReCALL, 1–24.
Haznedar, B., Oztekin, E., & Akcan, S. (2024). Enhancing intercultural communication via the ENACT Web App in language teaching. The Literacy Trek, 10(3), 283-308.
Satar, M. (2024). Social presence in multimodal online learning environments. In R. Hampel & U. Stickler (Eds.). The Handbook of Language Learning and Technology, pp. 272-286. Bloomsbury.
Satar, M., Seedhouse, P., Kharrufa, A., Bone Dodds, C., Ganassin, S., Whelan, A. (2024). Cultural tasks for ESOL teaching and learning: The ENACT web app. ESOL Matters Newsletter, IATEFL ESOL SIG, March 2024, 8-13
Ren, Simin. and Seedhouse, Paul. (2024). Doing Language Testing: Learner-Initiated Side Sequences in a Technology-Mediated Language Learning Environment. Classroom Discourse.
Kharrufa, A., Satar, M., Dodds, C. B., & Seedhouse, P. (2022). Supporting Non-Expert Users in Authoring Tasks for Learning Language and Culture: Evaluation Study. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT), 12(1), 1-22.
Satar, M., Seedhouse, P., Kharrufa, A., Bone Dodds, C. Ganassin, S. and Whelan, A. (2022). Cultural Tasks for Language Learning and Teaching: The ENACT App. The FLTMAG
Satar, M., Seedhouse, P., Kharrufa, A., Bone Dodds, C. Ganassin, S. and Whelan, A. (2021). The ENACT web app: Learning language through culture. Babel The Language Magazine, 35, 8-12.
Dodds, Colin B.; Whelan, Alison; Kharrufa, Ahmed; Satar, Müge. (2021). Virtual exchange facilitated by interactive, digital, cultural artefacts: communities, languages, and activities app (ENACT). In Satar, Müge (Ed.), Virtual exchange: towards digital equity in internationalisation (pp. 101-112).
More publications content coming soon...
Quotes from Users
"I’m a Brazilian teacher teaching Portuguese, English and Spanish in Sweden. My master’s dissertation is based on TBLT, so I just love this initiative!" (New ENACT web app user on 17 February 2022)
“It has a direct link with me as an immigrant, telling about yourself, introducing yourself to the others. Before the activity, I was thinking how do I adapt to the community and integrate to the local community. Now after these sessions, I don't have only to learn the local community's culture and language but I can also introduce my language and culture to the local community.” (Refugee, Co-production workshop participant, June 2021)
"This is so exciting! I see this as something our Language Center can offer to students directly and also to complement our TandemPlus program." (Reader comment on FLTMag, February 2021,
“I guess i feel closer to Scotland now than i ever felt before." "The fact that i could experience some activities using VR. It made look so real and fun at the same time. I particularly enjoyed weaving the tartans."(Migrants, after engaging with the Tartan Paper Weaving activity, August 2021)
"I can search popular stuff about a culture or a language from the Internet, but they're mostly not like very sincere, … they are more professional, but in ENACT all the activities are prepared by individuals, and I believe what is prepared by individuals can be can reflect the culture, like better” (Migrant, Co-production workshop participant, interview, June 2021)
Phd Projects
Wala Fahad A Almijiwl - thesis title: Multimodal Meaning-Making in Virtual Exchange through cultural activities on the ENACT web app: A Social Semiotics Approach
Conference presentations, seminars, and talks
Muge Satar gave an invited talk titled An inclusive and multiliteracies-informed Virtual Exchange pedagogy through digital cultural artefacts at the BAAL-CUP Seminar at Coventry University, 14 June 2024.
Muge Satar gave a keynote titled Social Presence in Multimodal Online Language Learning Environments at the 2024 international conference organised by the Taiwan Practice and Pedagogy in Technology Enhanced Language Learning Association. 16-17 May 2024, National Taichung University of Education, Taiwan.
Invited plenary presentation. ‘A Universal Infrastructure for Learning Chinese Language through Cultural Activities’. 5.7.24. 21st International Conference on Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education. Newcastle University.
Short film about the Conference and the delegates' visit to the Digital Kitchen:
Conference presentation on 8 February 2024 titled 'Intercultural Sensitivity in Language Teacher Education: a UK-Türkiye Virtual Exchange Utilizing Digital Cultural Artifacts’. The VALIANT Project and UNICollaboration conference: Exploring the impact of Virtual Exchange on Teacher Education, 8-9 February, Leon, Spain.
Invited webinar presentation. ‘Learning Languages through Cultural Activities: The ENACT Web App’. 14.9.23. Webinar for IATEFL ESOL SIG.
The ENACT webapp at 17 May 2023. Warwick University Centre for Applied Linguistics, UK.
Promoting intercultural sensitivity in higher education: A case study from a web app development project. 19 March 2023. AAAL 2023, Portland.
Implementing the ENACT web app in virtual exchange, 11 November 2022, PUCRS, Brazil
‘Learning Languages through Cultural Activities: The ENACT Web App’. 1 November 2022. Massey University, New Zealand.
‘Learning Languages through Cultural Activities: The ENACT Web App’, 28 October 2022, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
British Council World Teachers' Day, 1 October 2022, worldwide, online
EuroCALL 2022 presentation, 16-19 August 2022, Iceland, online
International Society for the Linguistics of English Annual Conference (ISLE) presentation, 4 July 2022
Dissemination event, seminar, May 2022, Bogazici University, Turkey
ENACT Web App demonstration at roundtable with research group and visitors from Belgium (KOGEKA), 20 April 2022, UAB, Spain
Seminar for teachers, 8 April 2022, University of Helsinki, Finland
Newcastle University Learning and Teaching Professional Development Conference, 31 March 2022, Newcastle University, UK
North East Festival of Languages organised by Newcastle International, 16 March 2022, UK, online
ENACT Web App demonstration, March 2022, UAB, Spain
16th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference. INTED 2022, 7-8 March 2022, Mallorca, Spain
International Mother Language Day organised by the Assembly of Turkish-American Association, 20 February 2022, USA, online
The Media & Learning Association presentation, 17 February 2022, online
EU Festival presentation, 10 November 2021, Newcastle University, UK
14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 8-10 November, 2021, Seville, Spain
Short presentation of ENACT at the starting event of project Kielibuusti ('Language boost'), 21 October 2021, Finland
ENACT App demonstration, October, 2021, UAB, Spain
Announcement launch of the app, September 2021, UAB, Spain
EuroCALL presentation, 26 August 2021, France, online
IAALT 2021 presentation, 16-18 June, 2021, online
Going Global 2021 “Reimagining International Higher Education for a post-pandemic world”, 15 June 2021. online
Presentation at the Oxford University, Oriental Studies: Hertford College, 16 December 2021, UK
Workshop at the North East Festival of Languages organised by International Newcastle, 23 March 2021, UK, online
Presentation at the Language Alliance meeting, 16 February 2021, UK, online
Workshop at the International Virtual Exchange Conference 2020 conference, 19 September 2020, online
Presentation at the Go International 2020, 10 June 2020, online
Presentation at the IDC 2020 conference, 18-19 June 2020, online
Presentation at the Chevening scholars event, 2 December 2019, Newcastle University, UK
Presentation at the ESRC festival of science, 7 November 2019, Newcastle University, UK
Applied Linguistics and Communication Seminar presentation, 8 October 2019, Newcastle University, UK
School Visits
We celebrated the International Day of Multilingualism (25 March) with an event at the Festival of Languages. On Friday 24 March 2023, sixty schoolchildren from Valley Gardens Middle School and Gosforth Central visited Newcastle University, ilab:learn to learn Chinese using the ENACT app, helped by two Chinese students. The children learnt Chinese words while doing calligraphy (painting Chinese characters) and while making Beijing Ice Candy, which they then ate!

We re-organised the event again on 22 March 2024 at the 2024 Festival of Languages, We hosted 60 school children from St Paul's CoE Primary and Gosforth East Middle School at the Newcastle University iLab:learn.
Read more about how to learn Chinese through our cultural activities here:
Our Impact Story: Cultural Tasks for Digital Language Learning
N.E.S.T collaboration: working with schools in the region as part of University of Sanctuary and Schools of Sanctuary
For the last two years (2022-2023), the team here at ENACT has collaborated with N.E.S.T, a Newcastle University Students Union volunteering project that supports the refugee and asylum-seeking community in the North East, to bring fun language-learning activities to local school children. Volunteers on the N.E.S.T Schools Project have led ENACT clubs in Kenton Bar Primary School, Central Walker Primary School and Welbeck Academy Primary School, working with over 50 children. These children have learnt the Mandarin words for ‘pen’ and ‘scissors’ whilst making Chinese Red Envelopes, and the German words for ‘tealight’ and ‘tissue paper’ whilst making Saint Martin Lanterns. Here is a picture of one of the children’s Mardi Gras Mask creations:
N.E.S.T Schools Project Worker, Tilly Atkinson, has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the schools. Teachers report that the children are so engaged with the arts and crafts, that they don’t even realise they are learning at the same time. The children regularly come to school the following day excited to talk about what they learnt. N.E.S.T plans to run sessions until the end of May 2024, and expand into a further primary school in February 2024.
NEST volunteers have been using ENACT in a series of 'Round the World' after-school clubs at Central Walker Primary School. In the photo you can see origami paper boats which the children made, learning Japanese words and culture at the same time!
N.E.S.T 'Around the World' after-school club impact report and our Offer for Schools
Download our Impact Report here:
and our Offer for Schools here: with Museums
We celebrated the Refugee Week on 24 June 2023 at the Great North Museum: Hancock with an activity for families and children in our community as part of the Monster Stories exhibition. Find more about the event in the short video below. To create your own Lambton Worm, sing along, and hear the story in Geordie accent, go to:
We joined the Festival of Languages event at the Great North Museum: Hancock on 18 March 2024. About 120 children from 4 schools created and played with Poi: Ball on a String
'Around the World' Club at the museum
Download our Impact Report here: