360 video of CALL class visit to iLab:learn

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Our students at Newcastle University studying MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL visited the iLab: learn last Tuesday as part of their Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) module. They explored our technology-enhanced learning projects: VEO Europa, Linguacuisine, and of course ENACT.

The visit coincided with Shrove Tuesday (aka Pancake Day). Our students used the Linguacuisine French recipe to cook crepes / pancakes, learned French, and enjoyed cooking and eating with the Digital Kitchen. They also explored our ENACT activities, and learned to record a 360 video.

We also had the opportunity to use our 360 cameras and capture their lived experience using 360 video technology. For a glimpse into the immersive Linguacuisine experience, see our 360 Youtube video below. Try it out using a 360/VR headset, such as Google Cardboard.

You can also check out the information on the Linguacuisine website for this event.
