Evaluation, validation and research outputs

The objectives of this output are to:
1) measure the direct impact of the project outcomes on the participants,
2) evaluate and validate the impact of the deliverables through research activities,
3) reinforce interaction between practice and research,
4) produce a white paper, and the final report to disseminate the project findings in Erasmus+ Project Results portal,
5) present findings at dissemination events (E1-4) and other appropriate conferences and seminars, and
6) write academic publications.

Our outputs involve a book publication (Bloomsbury, 2025), international peer-reviewed journal articles, seminar and conference presentations, a white paper, and a final project impact report, and case studies and success stories.
Our case studies and success stories are now available! Download the pdf file below.
Published on 15 October 2022

An earlier version of this report can be found here: https://www.enacteuropa.com/sites/default/files/Case%20studies%20and%20s...

International peer-reviewed articles
Kharrufa, A., Satar, M., Dodds, C. B., & Seedhouse, P. (2022). Supporting Non-Expert Users in Authoring Tasks for Learning Language and Culture: Evaluation Study. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT), 12(1), 1-22. http://doi.org/10.4018/IJCALLT.315278