First, we need to give you an idea of what this activity is all about.
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Here is more information about this activity. Watch 360 videos on Youtube with a VR headset.
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Now we'll teach you some of the key vocabulary relating to this activity.
Now we'll show you how to do the activity.
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Let's see how much vocabulary you remember...
From which country does this activity originate?:
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It was an interesting
It was an interesting activity. We produced our design of tartan.
this activity is really
this activity is really amazing thank you
Tartan is a Scotish costume
Tartan is a Scotish costume wear by male. There are different designs depending on each clan.
Was my fisrt time to made it
Was my fisrt time to made it , at the begginig was difficult but later is easy
It was very interesting
It was very interesting
Is interesting learning
Is interesting learning about others cultures. At the end we don't are really different. All we can live like a community.
My firts Tartan, i felt
My firts Tartan, i felt amazing
Was a very interesting video
Was a very interesting video, I learned about Scottish culture. And we can make our own Tartan paper, which it was very fun and I really enjoy it.
like it its really intereting
like it its really intereting
It was very interesting and
It was very interesting and enjoyable activity.
It was interesting activity
It was interesting activity.I enjoyed and learned about tartan weaving.
I am very enjoyed and learned
I am very enjoyed and learned about tartan weaving.
The activity is very
The activity is very interesting because you can learn a lot and understand more about British culture.
This was a very interesting
This was a very interesting activity. It is fun and it will help me to learn new words. I also learn more about Scottish culture.
I really had fun learning how
I really had fun learning how to make these. I guess i feel closer to Scotland now than i ever felt before.