21st International Conference of BCLTS, Critical Perspectives on International Chinese Education: Synergising Language, Culture, and Technology in the Era of Digital Intelligence
The British Chinese Language Teaching Society (BCLTS) and Confucius Institute at Newcastle University held the 21st International Conference of BCLTS, Critical Perspectives on International Chinese Education: Synergising Language, Culture, and Technology in the Era of Digital Intelligence at Newcastle University on the 4th – 6th of July 2024. As part of the event, delegates were invited to come along to the digital kitchen to see several ENACT activities in action, try activities themselves, and learn more about the app.
PGR students demonstrated two of our popular Chinese activities, Beijing ice candy or Tanghulu, and Chinese calligraphy. Delegates enjoyed trying the activities and discussing the app with the staff members and with one of our former PGR students, who recently used the app as part of her PhD studies.
The delegates commented that they had enjoyed the visit and that engaging in the activities had made them think about how they could use the app in their own teaching and learning activities. We hope that some lasting connections can be made with the delegates and look forward to seeing the impact of the visit on their work.