Origami Boat (Japanese)

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Submitted by ENACT on Sun, 11/01/2020 - 22:26

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What I've learnt about the language: The words for paper (kami), folding (oru) and for the crease in the paper (orime wo tsukeru)

What I've learnt about the culture: Origami basically means folded paper. Sugoi!

Regarding language, I learned the Japanese pronunciation of words and sentences about the steps of origami. Regarding culture, I learned how to make paper cranes that are used for emotional sustenance in Japanese culture. This is a very good activity!

What I've learnt about...
I have learnt a lot about Origami, for instance, what the word means. Moreover, I have heard the Japanese pronunciation and some actions about the instructions to make an origami. It's very exciting to make an origami boat and to learn about a new culture and language at the same time. Nevertheless, in my opinion, the activity can gain more benefits for the people that are doing it if at the beginning it introduces what is it and why is important to the Japanese culture. I think if you do this, the motivation of people who does this activity will increase a lot.

I've learnt what words are used to describe the process of making origami, such as "kami" or "oru". Moreover, I was able to learn some new Kanji while reading the subtitles of the video.
It was really interesting to learn new vocabulary and sentences while engaging in a fun activity. I am sure that I will now remember the words better than if I would have only read a text or listened to an audio file.
I would also find it interesting to find more cultural context and information in this exercise in order to take something practical with me through the activity on the one hand, as well as a little informative input on the history and traditions of origami.


Lovely boat that floats!
Sonya joined our workshop at the Festival of Languages on 23 March! https://expressyourselfne.com/enact-live-workshop/
Sonya says: "We made an origami boat from a sheet of paper and I was amazed at how easy the instructions were and I even learned a bit of Japanese!"
Read more about her experience at our workshop here: https://expressyourselfne.com/2021/03/23/float-your-boat-enact-is-a-grea...


Soha sem tudtam az origamizast elsajátítani de ezzel a feladattal könnyebb volt es érdekesebb. A japan felirat pedig még elvezhetobbe tette.

İt was so entertaining. Actually, we were making boat with paper since we were little, but it was differences between this boat. I like to produce something. Thank you for this activity :)


That was amazing and entertaining to see some origami artworks and learn how to pronounce some Japanese words about origami. Especially, the art gallery full of origami showing us that origami has an important place in Japanese culture was gorgeus. I'm so impressed, thank you!!

This activity reminded me of my childhood. I can't wait to put it on the water and see how it goes away :) ... Also, the fact that it was exhibited as an art helped me understand its cultural significance. I definitely want to see, learn, and try more! Finally, as a non-Japanese speaker, I am very happy to have learned my first word. "Oru" - totally unforgettable.. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this lovely activity.


Hauska aktiviteetti! Opin sanat kami 'paperi', oru 'taittaa' ja orime wo tsukeru 'taitos'. Taittelu onnistui mielestäni hyvin. Opin myös videoilta, mitä kaikkea muuta origami voi olla kuin usein näkemiäni lintuja ja veneitä. Doumo arigatou!


Очень интересное задание помимо пары слов на новом языке, услышать их и увидеть правописание, так же как многим задание напомнило мне детство и моего дедушку. Перед тем как листок бумаги превращается в корабль, за два действия до этого имеет форму шляпы. Именно такую бумажную шляпу из газеты носил мой дедушка, когда летом мы отдыхали на даче.


Tämä oli tosi hauska ja mielenkiintoinen aktiviteetti. Lapsuudessani tein näitä paperiveneitä ystävien kanssa, mutta en tiennyt, että ne olivat origameja. Muistan nyt 2 uutta sanaa - kami ja oru.


Tämä oli tosi hauska ja mielenkiintoinen aktiviteetti. Lapsuudessani tein näitä paperiveneitä ystävien kanssa, mutta en tiennyt, että ne olivat origameja. Muistan nyt 2 uutta sanaa - kami ja oru.


Дружественный и полезный ресурс. Вспомнила , как делать кораблик, во времена СССР почти каждый ребёнок это умел - лягушек, журавликов и пр. ,а маляры делали себе шапочки из газет по этому же принципу.


I learnt that Japanese uses many words in English. From my limited cultural knowledge about Japan, I had always associated Origami to a relaxing pasttime or a form of medidation but now I have learnt that it is actually a form of art.
I think it would be a good idea to add subtitles in English for example, underneath the Japanese ones; because if not, you have to pause the video each time and click on the "+" button to see the translation.